GPT-4 Access

As you may know, accessing to the GPT-4 model on AIChatOne is not granted automatically. To use this model, you must first be given access to the GPT-4 API by OpenAI. Now it’s much easier to access GPT-4 via API, all you need is a prepaid billing account.Let’s check what it is and how to set it up!πŸ’‘

Please note that the GPT-4 access in ChatGPT Plus is completely different from the GPT-4 access via API - which is currently being used on AIChatOne.

4 steps to setup a Prepaid Billing account

Here are 4 easy steps to set it up:

1、Go to your billing overview in your account settings

2、Click "Start payment plan" and add your billing details

3、Choose the initial amount of credits you want to purchase. The minimum purchase is $5.

4、Confirm and purchase your initial amount of credits.

Once you have done purchasing credits, OpenAI will grant you access to the GPT-4 API immediately.You can also check out this article from OpenAI for more details of prepaid billing.

Use GPT-4 on AIChatOne

You can then copy your API key and input it to AIChatOne:

After that, switch the chat model to GPT-4 and interact with this model as normal:

πŸ’‘The GPT-4-32K API isn’t available for everyone yet. In case you want to use this model, you can use it via OpenRouter.Hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of how to access GPT-4 on AIChatOne. Now let’s explore its capabilities in optimizing your workflow!

Last updated